Packaging Labeling

To comply with the requirement to label the packaging material in accordance with Directive 94/62/EC and the respective national implementations of Decision 129/97/EC, we inform you that Wandres uses the following packaging materials:

Packaging materials Code Symbol
Boxes, crates, pallets, pallet frames, planks FOR 50 FOR 50 Symbol
Transparent foils for boxes and crates LDPE 04 LDPE 04 Symbol
White cover foils (placed on boxes) HDPE 02 HDPE 02 Symbol
Foils for preservative packing in sea freight boxes (compound aluminium foil) C/LDPE 90 C/LDPE 90 Symbol
Kraft paper wrapping, wrapping paper PAP 22 PAP 22 Symbol
Cardboard box and corrugated cardboard in rolls PAP 20 PAP 20 Symbol
Bubble wrap, quick closing bags, tubular foil, stretch foil LDPE 04 LDPE 04 Symbol
Black strapping band PP 05 PP 05 Symbol
Green strapping band PET 01 PET 01 Symbol
Polystyrene, packaging chips PS 06 PS 06 Symbol
Packing angle (steel) FE 40 FE 40 Symbol
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